Division of Image Processing / LKEB

Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center

Chinmay Rao


Chinmay is a PhD candidate at LKEB investigating MRI reconstruction methods for accelerating multicontrast imaging. MR acquisition is inherently slow due to physical limitations, and the total acquisition time for multicontrast scans can be prohibitvely high as each scan is acquired sequentially. In his research, Chinmay is exploring physics-informed deep learning methods for MR reconstruction and synthesis that could deliver diagnostic-quality multicontrast images while requiring significantly lower data acquisition. The end goal is develop a clinically implementable algorithm, and to this end, he is collaborating with experts at C.J. Gorter Centrum (LUMC) and Philips Research.

Chinmay obtained his MSc in Artificial Intelligence from Maastricht University, the Netherlands in 2021. Prior to that, in 2019, he obtained his BTech in Electronics and Communications Engineering from Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, India. He is an avid reader, likes to sketch in his free time, and can often be found tinkering with electronic hardware.



For an overview of publications, see:


Leiden University Medical Center
Building 6, Pelikaan
Room F-02-025

Albinusdreef 2
2333 ZA Leiden

Postalzone C2-S
P.O. Box 9600
2300 RC Leiden
The Netherlands

E-mail: c.s.rao@lumc.nl