Division of Image Processing / LKEB

Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center

Niels Dekker


Niels Dekker is scientific programmer in the section Vascular and Molecular Imaging of the LKEB.

In 1992, Niels obtained his Master of Science on Computer Science, at the VU University Amsterdam. His master project was about the estimation of the area of cell nuclei, and was supervised by Dr. Jeroen Beliën, at the department of Pathology of the VU University Medical Center. In 1995, he worked as a programmer at the faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the VU University Amsterdam. In 1996 – 1998 he developed software for the analysis of sleep disorders at Medcare Automation, Amsterdam. From 1998 to 2002, he worked on a research project on image registration at the Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, department of Radiotherapy, under supervision of Prof Dr. Marcel van Herk. From 2003 to 2005, he developed and maintained various database applications at the HES Amsterdam (School of Business), University of Applied Sciences (HvA).

In April 2005, he started at LKEB, on the project, “Learning Agents to bridge the knowledge gap in medical images”, and was supervised by Dr. Ernst Bovenkamp. Niels is currently working with an application for the analysis of Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images. The development of this application is supervised by his section leader, Dr. Jouke Dijkstra. It involves the development of image analysis modules, DICOM information retrieval, and GUI design, using both Qt and MFC.

Niels presented a proposal to improve the Standard C++ Library at the WG21 meeting in Frankfurt, Germany, 2009.

Area(s) of expertise



Leiden Univeristy Medical Center
Dept. Radiology
Division of Image Processing
Poortgebouw Zuid
kamer 0.09 (Z-00-091)
E-mail: N.Dekker at lumc.nl