Rob van der Geest
Rob J. van der Geest received his MSc degree in Electrical engineering from the Delft University of Technology in 1992. In his masters thesis he developed an automated method for labeling of coronary tree segments from bi-plane X-ray angiograms. After this period he stayed for three months at Duke Medical Center, Durham, USA to carry out a validation study for an automated contour detection method for quantifying arterial dimensions from X-ray angiograms in an animal experimental setting. In 1992 he joined the Division of Image Processing (LKEB), Department of Radiology at the Leiden University Medical Center, headed by Professor Johan H.C. Reiber, PhD. At this division he started working on automated segmentation and quantification algorithms for cardiovascular MR imaging. This work has resulted in two research software packages for quantitative analysis of cardiac MRI, denoted Mass and Flow. These software packages have been transferred to the company Medis medical imaging systems for further development, support and worldwide distribution.
His current position is head of the Section on Magnetic Resonance Imaging, at the Division of Image Processing. Within this group, software algorithms and applications are being developed for accurate, objective and reproducible quantification of MR imaging studies with the aim to support clinical decision-making. His main research interests are image processing in cardiovascular MRI, MRA and MRI vessel wall imaging. He is reviewer for several international scientific journals and is co-author of more than 100 scientific papers. He is member of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (ISMRM), The Society of Cardiovascular MR Imaging (SCMR) and the North American Society of Cardiac Imaging (NASCI).
Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum
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