Division of Image Processing / LKEB

Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center

Viktor van der Valk


I’m a scientific (Python) programmer in the LKEB group at the LUMC. In the LKEB group I’m working on the elastix image registration toolbox. In particular on elastix’ accessibility, reproducibility and possibilities for integration with other software.

I obtained a BSc in Neurobiology (UvA, 2016) and a MSc in Computational Science (UvA/VU, 2019) and started in 2020 in the LKEB group on a CZI grant under supervision of Dr. Marius Staring.

Besides my position at the LUMC, I’m working on a native iOS application that aims to facilitate food intolerance detection.

Area(s) of interest


Leiden University Medical Center
Division of Image Processing
Building 1

Albinusdreef 2
2333 ZA Leiden
Tel.: +31 (0)71 52

Postalzone C2-S
P.O. Box 9600
2300 RC Leiden

E-mail: V.O.van_der_Valk@lumc.nl