Imaging Genetics
Section Leader: Prof. dr. ir. Boudewijn P.F. Lelieveldt
The Imaging Genetics section focuses on developing methods to analyze high-dimensional molecular data across different spatial scales to produce new insights about structural and functional organization of tissues. Our aim is to discover associations between single-cell and multiplexed spatial observations. We develop computational algorithms and visual analytics technologies to cross-link imaging data and high-throughput “omics” data through spatially-localized molecular data, such as atlases of the Allen Institute for Brain Science.
Current Projects
- Brainscapes (NWO Gravitation 2019)
- Visual Analytics from single cell to tissue (NWO AES)
- Human Mammalian Brain Atlas (NIH BICAN)
- Next Generation Immunodermatology (NWO ORC)
- ManiVault
- Cytosplore & Cytosplore Viewer
- SpaceWalker
- BrainScope
Previous projects
- Migraine GWAS: Beyond the Significant Variants
- Genome-wide Coexpression of Steroid Receptors in the Mouse Brain
- Spatio-temporal Coexpression Networks of Autism Genes
- Hi-C Chromatin Interaction Networks Predict Co-expression in the Mouse Cortex
- Visualizing Brain Gene Expression Organization
- Approximated and User Steerable tSNE for Progressive Visual Analytics
- Genomic Connectivity Networks in the Developing Human Brain
- Human Brain Project (Medical Informatics Platform)
Associated Researchers
- Boudewijn P.F. Lelieveldt, Team lead
- Baldur van Lew, Scientific Software Engineer
- Jeroen Eggermont, Senior researcher
- Thomas Kroes, Scientific Software Engineer
- Julian Thijssen, Scientific Software Engineer
- Alexander Vieth, PhD student (TUD + LUMC)
- Chang Li, PhD student
- Soumyadeep Basu, PhD student (LUMC + TUD)
- Thomas Höllt, Assistant Professor, guest faculty from TU Delft
For more information, contact Boudewijn P.F. Lelieveldt
- Genes in Space
- VAnPIRe – Visual Analysis in Population Imaging Research
- Human Brain Project (SP08: Medical Informatics Platform)